If you’re planning on visiting Cuba anytime soon, it might be a good idea to brush up on some of the language so that you can fit in a little more with the locals.
The language spoken in Cuba is Cuban Spanish, but don’t get this confused with traditional Spanish, as they are quite different.

Cuban Spanish is spoken by 11 million people, and the language is sometimes called Cubano instead.
The Cuban language is vastly influenced by slang words and informal words, so it is important to learn about these before your trip.
Today we’re going to talk about what Titi means in Cuba, as well as some other slang words you might want to know.
The Official Definition Of Titi
There seem to be a number of different definitions online for the word Titi, so we’ll go through some of them now.
The first is a simple slang word for person. This informal word would be used to describe a man or a woman when trying to get their attention.
For example, you might say ‘oye titi ¿nos vamos al cine?’ which translates to ‘hey, how about going to the movies?’
The second translation that we found was relating to female family members such as a grandma or an aunt. It is usually used as a term of endearment for either one and is used in a loving way.
Tia is also slang for aunt in Cuba.
Another translation of the word titi in Cuban Spanish slang is how Americans might use the slang words ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie’.
Titi might be used in passing to a waitress or sales assistant, or it could be used in a romantic relationship.
Finally, the official slang definition of titi is for a nipple, breast, or udder.
This translation has made its way into the English language as a slang for breasts as well, although it is moreso used as an affectionate term for an aunt or grandmother in Cuba.
Other Family Slang Words Used In Cuba
Interestingly, this is not the only slang word used in Cuba used to describe a family member. Let’s take a closer look into the slang words that you can use to describe your family.
- Tata – An affectionate slang word for older brother.
- Tita – A term of affection for a grandmother.
- Titi – A slang word for affectionately describing a woman in your life, such as a girlfriend or wife, aunt, or grandmother.
A Little More About Cuban Spanish
Many people find that Spanish is a relatively easy language to learn because you have to pronounce every syllable in each word.
Once you get your head around that rule, there is no stopping you from speaking Spanish well.
However, this rule does not also apply to Cuban Spanish. This language was influenced by immigrants traveling from the Canary Islands and Andalusia in Spain.
These people came to Cuba throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, influencing the language as they did.
Even if you were to visit the Canary Islands or Andalusia in Spain you’d find that they speak much differently than natives to Madrid or other Spanish cities.
This is what makes the language of Cuban Spanish so interesting – it is not just from one region, but it is a mixture of many different languages which reflects the Cuban history of slavery and immigration.
Some people even consider the Cuban Spanish language to be closer to that of the Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico, rather than Spain or Mexico.
There are plenty of unique accents around Cuba as well, such as Havana, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Holguin, and more. Some cities in Cuba speak more clearly than others, too.

Why Can’t I Understand Cuban Spanish?
Many tourists find Cuban Spanish difficult to understand, even if they are fluent in Spanish.
This is because Cubans tend to drop letters in words, sometimes replacing them with others while other times just letting them go completely.
Consonants are sometimes only half pronounced which can make them sound like they are talking with something in their mouth.
This will often make the words sound familiar, but not recognizable to tourists.
An example of this is that Cubans tend to pronounce the letter R as an L, when it’s at the end of a word. The letter V can also become B, so words like viene turn into biene.
Many words in Cuban Spanish lose their S’s, so words like fresco become freco. This can be particularly confusing for tourists as the word sounds the same but different simultaneously.
Similarly, words ending with ‘ado’ or ‘ada’ might have the D sound dropped, making words like cansado become cansao.
Other Cuban Slang That You Should Know
Before traveling to Cuba, you should know some slang that you can use or understand while you’re there.
Unfortunately, you’re not going to get very far only knowing the slang word Titi! Here are a few more that you can use.
Aché – To wish someone good luck, used in a sentence would be tiene un aché.
Oye – Pronounced o-yay, this is an informal way of saying hello. It can usually be used to get someone’s attention, such as oye titi!
Chucho – To mess around with someone in a joking fashion, or teasing a friend in a lighthearted manner.
Guagua – Pronounced wa-wa, this is the slang for a public bus. This comes from the Canary Islands.
Fosforera – This is slang to use if you want to ask a local for a lighter. With Cuban cigars being so popular around the world, you might find this slang word comes in handy more than any other.
Por Izquierda – The literal translation of this word is to the left. However, it means under the table in Cuban slang, which refers to the black market.
The black market is incredibly big in Cuba, so a local might be able to get you something that a store doesn’t sell la calle por izquierda.
Que Vuelta – This is a common way of informally asking how someone is.
Mami – Mami literally means mother, but Cuban slang uses this word to be closer to ‘babe’.
A man will only use this word to describe a woman that he’s in a romantic relationship with, although it is often also used to catcall women.
Papi – The male equivalent of mami. Women will call their male romantic partners papi, but men can also use it to describe their male friends as well.
Papi has fewer negative connotations than mami as it is not used for unwanted advances by strangers.
We hope that you have found this article interesting and useful ahead of your time in Cuba.
The Cuban Spanish language is an interesting one, but it is also difficult to understand as it is made up of so many different inspirations.
A great example of this is the word Titi, which has a number of different meanings such as an affectionate name for a family member, a breast, or a generic way of getting someone’s attention.
So, instead of trying to learn the entirety of Cuban Spanish, we suggest trying to learn a few of the most beneficial slang words that you can use as well as English.
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