When visiting a new place, it’s important that you check up on the local wildlife so you can be prepared for any surprises along the way.
If you are not familiar with what kind of dangers and predators can lurk around in different vacation destinations, then you won’t know what to be on the lookout for!

One such animal to be aware of is alligators. Alligators are fast, strong reptiles that can swim and walk on land – and they’ve been known to take out an unsuspecting person or two every year.
However, do you even need to worry about alligators in Cuba?
Here we are going to be taking a look at alligators, crocodiles, and what you need to be wary of when visiting Cuba.
This way, you can keep you and your family safe during your vacation. So, find out the answer below!
Are There Alligators In Cuba?
Everyone knows that there are a lot of alligators in the southern parts of the United States.
American alligators can easily be found in freshwater areas in Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and the states in between.
Their presence in Florida and Florida’s relative closeness to Cuba often strikes fears into visitors that there are alligators in Cuba. However, there are none of these alligators in Cuba.
Alligators are freshwater reptiles which means that they cannot swim in saltwater. As a result, alligators cannot cross the sea to reach Cuba from Florida.
Alligators also prefer slow moving waters, like swamps or rivers, so they have no interest in trying to swim out to sea at all!
This means that there are no American alligators in Cuba.
However, this does not mean that you should lower your guard. There are spectacled caimans on the Isla de la Juventud, where they were introduced but never cross paths with humans.
Caimans aren’t the same as alligators but they are still a part of the same family.
So, while there may not be alligators in Cuba, there definitely are caimans in one particular spot in Cuba.
But that’s not all; there is another crocodilian animal in Cuba that shares a lot of qualities with alligators – crocodiles!
Are There Crocodiles In Cuba?
Cuba is home to a very rare species of crocodile known as the Cuban crocodile.
They are generally smaller than most other species of crocodiles, with typical lengths measuring between 7 to 7.5 feet long, although some large males have been known to grow as long as 11 feet.
Despite their moderate size, they are also known as the most aggressive type of crocodile and are dangerous to humans when their paths cross.
Luckily, you won’t likely come across one of these crocodiles when visiting Cuba.
Not only are Cuban crocodiles critically endangered (so their population numbers are seriously low), they only rage in two different areas of Cuba.
Cuban crocodiles can only be found in the Zapata Swamp and Isla de la Juventud.
Hunting from humans meant that while Cuban crocodiles once inhabited most freshwater parts of Cuba, they are now restricted to these two areas.
So, unless you go out of your way to visit these areas, you are seriously unlikely to cross paths with a Cuban crocodile.
You may also be able to see the American crocodile in the Zapata Swamp, where they live in harmony with Cuban Crocodiles.

However, their numbers are even lower here because American crocodiles also live in Central America and in certain parts of Florida, Colombia, Peru, and other South American countries.
The only place where they are considered ‘plentiful’ is Costa Rica.
Cuban and American crocodiles have been known to interbreed and create hybrids, but these again are even rarer than the original species.
What’s The Likelihood Of Getting Attacked By A Cuban Crocodile?
Don’t let a fear of crocodiles hold you back from visiting Cuba.
Due to their limited range, most people who visit Cuba don’t even realize that there are native crocodiles on the island and unless you visit two particular destinations, you will likely not even hear of one, yet alone see one.
The two places you can visit where you may see a Cuban crocodile (or any crocodile at all) are the Cienage de Zapata and Isla de la Juventud.
You can go on one of the many amazing tours around the Cienaga de Zapata, but the likelihood of you spotting a Cuban crocodile (yet alone getting attacked by one) is pretty low.
You are far more likely to spot plenty of birds including pelicans, flamingos and waterfowl.
Even if you do see a Cuban crocodile while on the tour, then don’t worry – your tour guide will know exactly what to do to keep you safe.
Groups are kept to small numbers to prevent disturbing the wildlife and as a result, a Cuban crocodile will likely ignore you and focus on either sleeping or catching its usual prey.
Despite their aggression, Cuban crocodiles don’t really interact with humans unless provoked.
As for Isla de la Juventud, your likelihood of seeing a crocodile is even lower.
Not only is this destination far off the tourist trail but is a great place for diving, beach time, and viewing the ancient drawings in the island’s cave complex.
There are Cuban crocodiles in this area but they will stick to slow moving waters like rivers and swamps situated far from human inhabited areas, where it’s nice and peaceful for them.
Cuban crocodiles also very rarely ever swim in salt water (although they are capable) and so, it’s also very unlikely that you will come across one while diving in the waters around the island’s coast.
So, overall, your likelihood of getting attacked by a Cuban crocodile while visiting is very, very slim.
This is due to the fact that the habitats of Cuban crocodiles are very limited and also situated far from the human inhabited areas of Cuba.
There has only ever been one recorded death caused by a Cuban crocodile and the victim was an elderly man who was spearfishing in the Zapata Swamp way back in 1995 – so the likelihood of you becoming victim number two is slim to none.
Final Thoughts
So, while there are no alligators in Cuba, there are still a few crocodilian creatures that reside in the country’s swampy areas.
In the Zapata swamp, you may be able to spot a few Cuban crocodiles or American crocodiles, as they can swim from the swamp over to the Yucatan peninsula.
Sometimes, the two species even breed to produce a hybrid although this event is very, very rare. This is because Cuban crocodiles are critically endangered and thus, their numbers are seriously low.
Cuban crocodiles can also be found in certain remote parts of Isla de la Juventud, along with their smaller caiman cousins, the spectacled caiman.
They never cross paths with the humans that live on the island as they keep themselves to themselves and prefer to stay away from inhabited human areas.
As a result, you are unlikely to ever see a crocodile or caiman out in Cuba unless you actively go looking for one.
So, don’t let worries about crocodile attacks spoil your trip because the odds of it happening are almost impossible!
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